May 28, 2012

Arrival of goods

"Roll with Sticks" arrived. 
Please refer to DVD and the guidebook together. Then, it becomes easier for you to imagine some rolls. And since this is waterproof printing, you can bring this to the sea! You do not need to worry about the sea any longer. Though regrettable, I am a wholesaler in Japan. If you are living abroad, please check a nearby agency from the following URL. 

「Roll with Sticks」のDVDとガイドブックが入荷しました。ステッカー付き。

May 24, 2012

Qaanniornermut ilitsersuut

I got a e-mail from Leo. He said "I bought the book, at last!"
I referred to this book, when I made first SOF. This is described in Greenlandic, Danish, and English. But there are very few texts. Most descriptions are illustrations and images. I like this point! Since this book is in short supply now, it cannot purchase easily. I imported this from Atuagkat before. If you want this, you should sometimes check the website.
If you are Qajaqer, you'd better get this book. Good luck!

Qajaq Brasil のレオから「とうとうこの本を手に入れたよ!」というメールがあった。これは俺が初めてSOFを作ったときに参考にしたもので、グリーンランド語、デンマーク語、英語で解説されている。といっても、テキスト自体は少量で殆どがイラストや画像だ。シンプルに「絵」で見せる。そこがいい。現在は品薄でレオが言うとおり「とうとう」という世界だ。
つい最近まではQajaqUSAのウェブサイトでも購入できたようだが、ここもSOLD OUT。俺が作り始めた頃はネットを漁り、グリーンランド書籍の専門サイト(下記参照)から輸入したっけな。…と思いつつ、今そのサイトを見たら、やっぱり無かった。残念っ!


May 18, 2012

About 30%

I am analyzing visitors using Google Analytics. I can acquire information, including a "country", a "time zone", "the kind of browser", etc., by it. There is also an analysis result about "OS" in them. The above-mentioned image is the information about OS of "one day." You'll notice that there are about 30 percent of Mac-OS. That is, 30% of them cannot be enjoying the FLASH animation in this website. It's a tragedy for me! I would like to also provide them with the benefit of FLASH animation. Therefore, I am studying the method of carrying out the export of the Flash to Java now. Please wait for a while.

Google Analyticsを使って、毎日アクセス状況を解析しています。どんな国からどんな時間帯に…等々、結構痒いところに手が届くような調査が可能です。そんな中にOS別の解析結果もあるわけで、画像は「ある日」の状況。割合的には大体こんな感じですね。

May 17, 2012

Storm Master

James Manke will come to Japan in November. Yes, he is a lecturer of GUTS2012! We "QJ" are looking forward to meet him. He will blow a new wind into Japan surely!
If you have interest about him or GUTS2012, please join us! I'll welcome you always!!!  


さて、今年のゲストはカナダの新星James Manke氏です。どうです、このビデオ。なかなかの腕前だと思いませんか? いまから11月が待ち遠しくて仕方ありません(笑)。

May 10, 2012


Nikola is my friend who lives in Serbia. He is the student who is studying architecture. He visited Japan in February, this year. Although we were short time, we could be very substantial and were able to deepen friendship. He is my important friend now. He likes traveling by a folding kayak. To my surprise, he makes his kayak by himself. And now, he is making a Greenland type kayak as a folding type!!!!!
He will come to Japan again when it completed.
Hey Nikola, I'm waiting for you with your Japanese friends!!!!


May 5, 2012

Thanks a lot!

Thank you for joining to STORM ON.
My website has not passed for one month yet, after being released. However, many friends visited here and offered nice videos. I can't thank you enough!
The targets of my beginning were 1000 visitors in one month. Now, they are 1259 persons. I analyzed this result by Google Analytics. It was not only domestic access. There were accesses from many of overseas' friends. Thanks a lot!!!!!

I will continue efforts about information dissemination for stormtroopers. 
Please keep in touch and thanks again!

当初、一ヶ月で1000カウントを目標にしていたのですが、それを大きく上回る数字に当人も驚いています(笑)。今日現在で1259カウント! Google Analyticsで解析結果を観察してみると、国内のみならず広く海外からのアクセスも少なくありません。むしろ国内よりも多いぐらい…。しかし、この結果に驕ることなく地道に「Qajaqで世界を繋ぐ」ために精進を重ねようと思います。

May 1, 2012


Thank you for the stormtroopers' concentration. They gathered from the U.S., Britain, Norway, Spain, Australia, Canada, Hungary, and Japan. Some stormtroopers contributed the video of the storm roll two or more times. Thanks a lot!
I wanna connect the world by the Qajaq. Therefore, your cooperation is indispensable. If you have the interest about our mission, please join to STORM ON. 
