If you or I fall indolently for a moment, you will be instantly returned to a "starting point." It is even "practice" or even "website."
STORM ON advances to second year soon. I will continue efforts in order not to betray your aid. Thanks!
STORM ONはもうじき二年目に突入します。世界各国からいただいた閲覧・応援を裏切ることなく精進したいと思います。
January 31, 2013
January 23, 2013
Minor change
I am doing the minor change of the design in this website.
Have fun!
Oops, change of designs are also my pleasure. ;-)
Oops, change of designs are also my pleasure. ;-)
January 20, 2013
The 3rd editions
The third editions are two kinds in different colors. Probably, this sticker is also offered as gratitude to the friends who contributed video to STORMTROOPERS. If you surely want these, I may give this to you by a cost price.
Or I may prepare new missions and may devise the plan which obtains two kinds of both. They are "Quick succession of storm rolls" or "Rolling with the arms crossed." Oops, how about "Quick succession of the arms crossed"? ;-)
Anyway, I'll inform the details to you soon in this site. Don't miss it!
Or I may prepare new missions and may devise the plan which obtains two kinds of both. They are "Quick succession of storm rolls" or "Rolling with the arms crossed." Oops, how about "Quick succession of the arms crossed"? ;-)
Anyway, I'll inform the details to you soon in this site. Don't miss it!
January 14, 2013
Thank you for 10,000!
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This is three months earlier than a target term. I realize that there are many friends who are searching for the information about the "Greenland style kayaking." On this website, the contents are limited to the "storm paddle" and the "storm roll." However, visitors increased in number in spite of it. I accept this meaning with sincerity and would like to progress to the following step. Furthermore, I will take into consideration positively about an overseas expedition. If you need my help, please call me always.
お陰様で当サイトは閲覧者一万人を突破しました。当初、リリース一年ぐらいでこの数字に達することができれば万々歳だろうと思っていたのですが、3ヶ月前倒しで達成。ほんっとに嬉しい限りです。同時に、やはり情報を求めている人がかなりいるんだなぁと実感してる次第です。しかも、STORMTROOPERSの投稿を見てもお分かりの通り日本だけじゃないんですね、これが。ちなみに、どんな国の方が見てくださったかというと(Google Analyticsによる)、日本、アメリカ、カナダ、オーストラリア、アルゼンチン、デンマーク、ノルウェー、イタリア、イギリス、スペイン、スウェーデン、フランス、ドイツ、ブラジル、アイスランド、韓国、オランダ、フィンランド、ルーマニア、チリ、セルビア、ベルギー、アイルランド、ポルトガル、マルタ、スロベニア、ギリシャ、ポーランド、シンガポール、ウルグアイ、スイス、中国、ハンガリー、イスラエル、ニュージーランド、フィリピン、台湾、タイ、トルコ、オーストリア、コロンビア、チェコ、ガーナ、香港、マン、イラク、ヨルダン、モロッコ、メキシコ、マレーシア、ペルー、スロバキア、トリニダートトバコ、ベネズエラ…実に55カ国です。どうもありがとうございます!
January 2, 2013
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! May this year be happy and fruitful.
I will continue efforts to link the G-kayakers in the world by a "storm roll" and will expect your cooperation.
I will continue efforts to link the G-kayakers in the world by a "storm roll" and will expect your cooperation.
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