April 25, 2012

Aleutian Storm?

NLP uploaded this picture to Facebook. What's this???? Is this a aleutian storm paddle?
I have not seen this once. 
Mr. Kashiwagi who met in Kamogawa was talking about "Aleutian Storm" last week. What a timely subject!
I am very interested about the origin of a "storm paddle." Thus, having existed also in areas other than Greenland is new discovery. 

これはNorthern Light PaddlesportsのポールさんがFacebookにアップした画像。なんと、アリュートのストームタイプ…。
実はつい先日、鴨川でご一緒した柏木さんと「アリュートのストームなんてあるんですかね?」と話したばかり。実にタイムリー。柏木さん、見てるかなぁ? あるんですね、アリュートストーム(笑)。

April 23, 2012

Kamogawa Training Camp

I stayed at Koma's second house in Kamogawa, and enjoyed the training camp. Koma-san practiced hard and he made "Chest Scukking" successful. I respect his zeal.
Juhasz learned "Norsamik kingukkut." Although he was a usually calm person, he was pleased only at this moment. Furthermore, I took his storm roll and published to the website.
Mr. Hiromatsu is a friend on Facebook. I actually met him on that day. He was a very frank person. I wanna meet him again soon.
Our next practice will be held on May 29 in Tatara-beach. Let's join us.
By the way, what is this picture? This is a kayak carrier made in USA. There, the wonderful cap opener is attached. hahaha!

ユハースさんはリバースのノルサック前屈をゲット! 彼にしては珍しく感情をあらわにして喜んでいた。もちろん見ている側も大いに盛り上がる。そして、ストームロールも撮影させていただいた。猫のようにしなやかな柔軟性。そこから繰り出されるストームには荒々しさがなく、演じている人間の心境がそのまま出ているかのようだった。静かな、それでいて確実なストームロール。こんなのもありなのだろう。
Facebookで「トモダチ」になったヒロマツさんともお会いすることができた。気さくなナイスガイ。少々無理強いしてグリーンランドスタイルを楽しんでもらったが、果たして筋肉痛はいかに? ちなみにこのヒロマツさん、初サイドスカーリングが最初の一回で成功。さすがにビックリ(笑)。また機会があればぜひ一緒に遊びたい。
次回の練習はGW(5月28日~29日)の多田良海岸。The practice never betrays you!


April 19, 2012


I'm still making an animation and sorry for waiting. Since the number of polygons and the quantity of a texture differ from the "samurai", rendering takes many time. 


April 15, 2012


I got two movies from my friends today! They are members of QajaqJPN, Mr. Mikami and Mr. Saito. Cold is every day for them. That is, even Lake Toya of midwinter is a suitable training place for them. Awesome, just awesome!
I'll upload the movies in the near future. Don't miss it!


April 9, 2012

Temporary Movie

I uploaded the temporary movie for "two kind of finish."


April 8, 2012

Tentative Uploading

I uploaded the contents of the website in a tentative way for the check of operation.  There is also a part of them are incomplete, but it is not not yet started. I am going to connect to the official release them. 
