December 29, 2012

Test motion

His expressions were created by the "Shape animation", without using "bones."


December 23, 2012

Still texturing...

For the tuilik.
Expression of some joints are difficult. 

December 22, 2012


Cut out and texturing.
It's a little long way. ;-(

December 19, 2012

Body & Hand

Since a "hand" is the part which many joints are concentrating, it is a complicated structure. 


December 18, 2012


I started to make from the "head."


December 8, 2012


I'm sorry for late report. We were able to finish GUTS2012 safely. Yes, It was a great success!
I did not feel sense of incongruity for the "Greenland style" in the warm area. It was comfortable rather.
Probably, QajaqJPN stepped up by this success. I'll  thankful to the South Japan block members. Especially I would like to say big thank you to Sanzo-san and Sasuke-chan. 

無事にGUTS2012を終えてきました。沖縄の海はとてもキレイで、夢のようなひとときでした。南の海でグリーンランドスタイル! ミスマッチなようでまったく違和感は無かったです。

November 4, 2012

Responsive Designs

 I have reconstructed the site of "STORM ON" corresponding to a tablet PC and a smart phone. Since this design had restriction, I used some once contents. An old site is employed as it is. And probably, it is parallel with the site for mobile. However, I actually have neither a tablet PC nor a smart phone. ;-(
This site will be released at early next year. Thanks!


October 28, 2012

The local competiton

We held the local competition before "GUTS2012." It was planned by muomuo's command. I devoted in the judgment and was sure of their progress!
Although QajaqJPN has only history for ten years, the members' abilities are growing firmly. 


October 24, 2012


Nasaqs were delivered. These will be delivered one by one to ordered friends. 


October 13, 2012


"Nasaq" which is a new product of Northern Light Paddlesports is well received. I like this idea a lot of respect. Although I have not seen the actual thing yet, it will surely be obtained in the near future. 
Paul who is the President of Northern Light Paddlesports will visit Japan on the 21st. I hand "a certain thing" to him then. What's that? hehehe...;-) It's a top secret still now.

Northern Light Paddlesportsの新製品「Nasaq」が売れてます。なにやら製造が追いつかないような勢いだそうです。STORM ONにもほどなく入荷しますので、いま少しお待ちください。これはホントにありそうで無かった発想ですよね。ちょっとしたニッチを突いてくるところにNLPの柔軟性を感じます。


September 16, 2012

spend time and effort

For the article of "MedicineBall", I newly did the modeling of the ball. Although a ball is simple form, since it consists of only curved surfaces, creation is difficult. However, if I ask there for compromise, the thing which I would like to tell will not get across to you. So I do not regret "time and effort." 


September 8, 2012

Business card

Since I'm very much regret the recent fiasco, I have prepared business cards in this way. Mr. RARIPON, thank you very much. From now on, I will enclose this, when mailing a sticker.


September 2, 2012


Do you understand this?
Kayak! Yes, This is a kayak. But....This was SOF from the first. My friend converted SOF into the hybrid kayak by FRP and woods. What a amazing works! I can't say anymore!!!! Of course, this kayak has a frame of SOF in the inside.
You can check details about it here.


August 26, 2012

Ontario Greenland Camp

"STORM ON" became a sponsor of "Ontario Greenland Camp."
I offered some stickers of the article not for sale and hope it becomes some financial funds of their event. After exhibiting my website, it has still passed only for five months. As for me, being nominated in this way is honorable.
Break a leg!

STORM ONがOntario Greenland Campのスポンサーになりました。非売品のステッカーを進呈して、それを糧に原資の足しにしてもらえればと思います。仮に「藁にも~」であっても、ウェブサイト公開から約5ヶ月ということを考えると、こうやって名指しでアテにされるのは光栄です。遠くからイベントの成功を祈ってます。

August 18, 2012

Brush up

When the articles of my website are uploaded to a server, it is not completion. I will find many defects and un-completing with unwillingness there. Therefore, I have a grudge against my both eyes. haha! However, I do not neglect them. I like correcting some bugs secretly.
Do you notice those correction parts? 


August 16, 2012

I hope you had a nice summer vacation!

It is very hot in the summer of Japan this year. How is your place? 
I am busy with preparation of "GUTS2012." It is a QajaqJPN-sponsored event and is held in Okinawa this year. I wish your participation eagerly. Our guest this year is James Manke living in Canada. Since he is a frequenter in Facebook, I would like to meet him early!
Please prepare a visit to Japan!! ;-)



July 28, 2012

Tuilik like a sauna.

It has been the intense heat called "MOUSHO" in summer in Japan in the past several years. It gets hot certainly today also. The practice in such temperature is very painful. Supposing I wear Tuilik, will get heatstroke instantly. However, since feeling of Tuilik is not lost, I would like to practice using it as much as possible. Therefore, I have chosen early morning at practice time. If it practices intensively, it can expect an effect even for a short time. It is my involvement.


July 11, 2012

Comments Box

I added "Comments Box" to the website as a test. It's being interlocked with Facebook. You could arrive at the page from "Updated" of "TOP. " It's located in the bottom of the page of "Kick or Hip Snap". If you have some questions about the contents of the article, please input into the Comments Box. I'll install "Comments Box" in the report of all futures, if this is convenient for my friends. 

Facebookに連動したコメント欄を試験的に追加してみました。まずはRolling→Practiceの最新記事である「Kick or Hip Snap」で運用開始。今までは記事内容に関することやテクニカルな質問をメールでいただいていたのですが、質問内容を共有できれば他の方も重宝するんじゃないかと思います。ま、逆に「みんなに見られるんじゃ質問しにくいなぁ。」と言う方は今まで通りメールでどうぞ。上手く回るようなら、今後は各記事にコメント欄を付随させていきます。ではでは~。

July 9, 2012

Thanks a lot!

I obtained the congratulation message of the birthday from many friends on July 5. Thank you very much! This is one year of my 40's last. Therefore, I will step up efforts for time reluctantly. Since my body has aged certainly, I must be cautious also of health. It is required in order that I may enjoy a roll forever. 
By the way, I think that I will take an official trip to your place for a roll lecture. Please order to me. I'll welcome it. Let's increase "Stormtrooper" all over the world! Thanks again!


July 3, 2012

The 2nd edition

Hi guys,
I prepared the 2nd edition. Please give me your STORM VIDEO more! 
I really appreciate your cooperation. Thanks a lot!


June 25, 2012

40 or more!

40 or more persons' stormtroopers gathered in this website. I appreciate your cooperation from the bottom of my heart. Thanks a lot!!!!
I will prepare the sticker by the second design for those who offered video two or more times. And probably, I provide you with the miscellaneous information relevant to a storm roll more.
Thanks again!


June 11, 2012

Silicone Ice Tray

This is a silicone ice tray of the stormtroopers! It's so coool!
You can get it from the URL.


You can see more images from this URL.

June 4, 2012


"Qaanaaq TRANSAM-SS" was released at last!
I'm charmed only by seeing the lines which this kayak has. TRANSAM-SS increased freight and the roll performance improved. You could enjoy even a camp touring by Qaanaaq TRANSAM-SS. Please get it!
Yes, I'm waiting for your order


May 28, 2012

Arrival of goods

"Roll with Sticks" arrived. 
Please refer to DVD and the guidebook together. Then, it becomes easier for you to imagine some rolls. And since this is waterproof printing, you can bring this to the sea! You do not need to worry about the sea any longer. Though regrettable, I am a wholesaler in Japan. If you are living abroad, please check a nearby agency from the following URL. 

「Roll with Sticks」のDVDとガイドブックが入荷しました。ステッカー付き。

May 24, 2012

Qaanniornermut ilitsersuut

I got a e-mail from Leo. He said "I bought the book, at last!"
I referred to this book, when I made first SOF. This is described in Greenlandic, Danish, and English. But there are very few texts. Most descriptions are illustrations and images. I like this point! Since this book is in short supply now, it cannot purchase easily. I imported this from Atuagkat before. If you want this, you should sometimes check the website.
If you are Qajaqer, you'd better get this book. Good luck!

Qajaq Brasil のレオから「とうとうこの本を手に入れたよ!」というメールがあった。これは俺が初めてSOFを作ったときに参考にしたもので、グリーンランド語、デンマーク語、英語で解説されている。といっても、テキスト自体は少量で殆どがイラストや画像だ。シンプルに「絵」で見せる。そこがいい。現在は品薄でレオが言うとおり「とうとう」という世界だ。
つい最近まではQajaqUSAのウェブサイトでも購入できたようだが、ここもSOLD OUT。俺が作り始めた頃はネットを漁り、グリーンランド書籍の専門サイト(下記参照)から輸入したっけな。…と思いつつ、今そのサイトを見たら、やっぱり無かった。残念っ!


May 18, 2012

About 30%

I am analyzing visitors using Google Analytics. I can acquire information, including a "country", a "time zone", "the kind of browser", etc., by it. There is also an analysis result about "OS" in them. The above-mentioned image is the information about OS of "one day." You'll notice that there are about 30 percent of Mac-OS. That is, 30% of them cannot be enjoying the FLASH animation in this website. It's a tragedy for me! I would like to also provide them with the benefit of FLASH animation. Therefore, I am studying the method of carrying out the export of the Flash to Java now. Please wait for a while.

Google Analyticsを使って、毎日アクセス状況を解析しています。どんな国からどんな時間帯に…等々、結構痒いところに手が届くような調査が可能です。そんな中にOS別の解析結果もあるわけで、画像は「ある日」の状況。割合的には大体こんな感じですね。

May 17, 2012

Storm Master

James Manke will come to Japan in November. Yes, he is a lecturer of GUTS2012! We "QJ" are looking forward to meet him. He will blow a new wind into Japan surely!
If you have interest about him or GUTS2012, please join us! I'll welcome you always!!!  


さて、今年のゲストはカナダの新星James Manke氏です。どうです、このビデオ。なかなかの腕前だと思いませんか? いまから11月が待ち遠しくて仕方ありません(笑)。

May 10, 2012


Nikola is my friend who lives in Serbia. He is the student who is studying architecture. He visited Japan in February, this year. Although we were short time, we could be very substantial and were able to deepen friendship. He is my important friend now. He likes traveling by a folding kayak. To my surprise, he makes his kayak by himself. And now, he is making a Greenland type kayak as a folding type!!!!!
He will come to Japan again when it completed.
Hey Nikola, I'm waiting for you with your Japanese friends!!!!


May 5, 2012

Thanks a lot!

Thank you for joining to STORM ON.
My website has not passed for one month yet, after being released. However, many friends visited here and offered nice videos. I can't thank you enough!
The targets of my beginning were 1000 visitors in one month. Now, they are 1259 persons. I analyzed this result by Google Analytics. It was not only domestic access. There were accesses from many of overseas' friends. Thanks a lot!!!!!

I will continue efforts about information dissemination for stormtroopers. 
Please keep in touch and thanks again!

当初、一ヶ月で1000カウントを目標にしていたのですが、それを大きく上回る数字に当人も驚いています(笑)。今日現在で1259カウント! Google Analyticsで解析結果を観察してみると、国内のみならず広く海外からのアクセスも少なくありません。むしろ国内よりも多いぐらい…。しかし、この結果に驕ることなく地道に「Qajaqで世界を繋ぐ」ために精進を重ねようと思います。

May 1, 2012


Thank you for the stormtroopers' concentration. They gathered from the U.S., Britain, Norway, Spain, Australia, Canada, Hungary, and Japan. Some stormtroopers contributed the video of the storm roll two or more times. Thanks a lot!
I wanna connect the world by the Qajaq. Therefore, your cooperation is indispensable. If you have the interest about our mission, please join to STORM ON. 


April 25, 2012

Aleutian Storm?

NLP uploaded this picture to Facebook. What's this???? Is this a aleutian storm paddle?
I have not seen this once. 
Mr. Kashiwagi who met in Kamogawa was talking about "Aleutian Storm" last week. What a timely subject!
I am very interested about the origin of a "storm paddle." Thus, having existed also in areas other than Greenland is new discovery. 

これはNorthern Light PaddlesportsのポールさんがFacebookにアップした画像。なんと、アリュートのストームタイプ…。
実はつい先日、鴨川でご一緒した柏木さんと「アリュートのストームなんてあるんですかね?」と話したばかり。実にタイムリー。柏木さん、見てるかなぁ? あるんですね、アリュートストーム(笑)。

April 23, 2012

Kamogawa Training Camp

I stayed at Koma's second house in Kamogawa, and enjoyed the training camp. Koma-san practiced hard and he made "Chest Scukking" successful. I respect his zeal.
Juhasz learned "Norsamik kingukkut." Although he was a usually calm person, he was pleased only at this moment. Furthermore, I took his storm roll and published to the website.
Mr. Hiromatsu is a friend on Facebook. I actually met him on that day. He was a very frank person. I wanna meet him again soon.
Our next practice will be held on May 29 in Tatara-beach. Let's join us.
By the way, what is this picture? This is a kayak carrier made in USA. There, the wonderful cap opener is attached. hahaha!

ユハースさんはリバースのノルサック前屈をゲット! 彼にしては珍しく感情をあらわにして喜んでいた。もちろん見ている側も大いに盛り上がる。そして、ストームロールも撮影させていただいた。猫のようにしなやかな柔軟性。そこから繰り出されるストームには荒々しさがなく、演じている人間の心境がそのまま出ているかのようだった。静かな、それでいて確実なストームロール。こんなのもありなのだろう。
Facebookで「トモダチ」になったヒロマツさんともお会いすることができた。気さくなナイスガイ。少々無理強いしてグリーンランドスタイルを楽しんでもらったが、果たして筋肉痛はいかに? ちなみにこのヒロマツさん、初サイドスカーリングが最初の一回で成功。さすがにビックリ(笑)。また機会があればぜひ一緒に遊びたい。
次回の練習はGW(5月28日~29日)の多田良海岸。The practice never betrays you!


April 19, 2012


I'm still making an animation and sorry for waiting. Since the number of polygons and the quantity of a texture differ from the "samurai", rendering takes many time. 


April 15, 2012


I got two movies from my friends today! They are members of QajaqJPN, Mr. Mikami and Mr. Saito. Cold is every day for them. That is, even Lake Toya of midwinter is a suitable training place for them. Awesome, just awesome!
I'll upload the movies in the near future. Don't miss it!


April 9, 2012

Temporary Movie

I uploaded the temporary movie for "two kind of finish."


April 8, 2012

Tentative Uploading

I uploaded the contents of the website in a tentative way for the check of operation.  There is also a part of them are incomplete, but it is not not yet started. I am going to connect to the official release them. 


March 20, 2012

Function curves

I use "FunctionCurve" for fine tuning of animation, after setting some animation keys. This has a very intuitive interface and is convenient. 


March 17, 2012

Color scheme

The impression of the website does not make "STROM" imagine. I'm changing the color scheme and have improved a little this. The impression received from colors may build a prejudice. 


March 11, 2012

Test motion

This is a test motion of the storm roll. I have to adjust and check more about this. 


March 10, 2012


"Volem_Fog" was applied. However, as for this, attenuation of density is linear, and it does not react to the flow of air. The flexibility of "Particle" may be higher.

Although the refractive index of sea water was 1.339, I processed this as 1.3. In our eye, the difference could not be distinguished, since the refractive index of fresh water is 1.333.  


March 7, 2012


I uploaded this image to the Facebook. Since there was a suitable reaction, I was glad. 
I will release this website, before going to Argentina.


March 4, 2012


I made the motion of the beginning of a storm roll and will create the expression of his face at the end. Because cooperation of Animation Mixer and Dope Sheet has fault. 
